Design System Study
Surajpratap Goraya, Dr. David Flatla,
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
Conducted online only, via Microsoft Teams (fully remote).
This study is being conducted at the University of Guelph's School of Computer Science (SoCS). The primary focus of this study is to explore issues with the use, maintenance, and implementation of design systems within organizations, particularly with how these issues interact with team/organizational size.
Its secondary focus is on exploring what the future of design systems looks like. Have design systems achieved what they set out to do? Have they outstayed their welcome? We're interested in the thoughts design system practitioners have about where they see design systems now, and where they see them in the future.
What happens during the study?
We're inviting you to a one-on-one approximately 60-minute interview over the video conferencing software, Microsoft Teams. We will ask you around 12 open ended questions in this semi-structured interview. These questions will begin as general related to design systems, to gauge overall knowledge and definitions used within your organization. they will then transition to asking you about any challenges or issues you face within your organization when implementing, maintaining, and using design systems. We will then, finally move onto your personal thoughts on design systems, and where you think they're going.
A flexible time will be set-up which works for both the interviewers and the interviewees. The interview questions will also be provided to you in the email confirming your date and time
The audio and visual of the interview will be recorded using the interviewers laptop and the interviewer will also take notes during the interview, so we do not miss what you say. You will receive a monetary incentive for your time (see: Benefits & Incentives below).
Benefits & Incentives
You will be provided an incentive of $25 Canadian Dollars (CAD), for your participation in this study, which will be sent to you via e-Transfer, PayPal, or Amazon Gift Card (your choice). If you choose to withdraw, there will be no penalty and you will still be provided the full incentive ($25 CAD equivalent Amazon Gift Card, PayPal, or e-Transfer).
it is unlikely that there will be any other direct benefits to you, however, by better understanding your experiences, researchers in this field may be able to better tailor their research.
How do I Participate?
We'd love to have you! Thank you so much for expressing your interest!
Our Inclusion Criteria
This study is open to anyone 18-years or older who currently works on design systems as a designer or
developer (or equivalent role) and is comfortable speaking in English.
We're looking for participants from a wide variety of organization sizes (small, medium
and large), as defined by
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
(Canada's Ministry of Industry).
This means we're looking for those working in the following sized organizations:
- Small: 1 to 99 paid employees.
- Medium: 100 to 499 paid employees.
- Large: 500 or more paid employees.
If you fit our criteria and would like to participate: please email expressing your interest, we'd love to have you!
Once you email, we will provide you with additional information, a consent form and the interview questions!